Hi! Welcome to Citrus. Thank you for stopping by, pour yourself a cup of coffee (you can guarantee I have one!) and enjoy reading my tips and tricks for cleaning and home maintenance. I am going to touch on cleaning, cleaning related product reviews and recommendations, organizational tips, fun holiday tips when the time comes and maybe a little more cleaning. My goal for Citrus is to provide readers with valuable tools that can be used in maintaining the place you call home.
Why Citrus you may ask? Well, there is something about the smell of a freshly cut lemon or a slice of lime that invokes feelings of fresh and clean to me. I love the smell of citrus whether its lemons, limes, grapefruit or oranges. I know there are a lot of other types of citrus; for example, blood oranges were a personal favorite this past Winter. Aside from the feelings of fresh I get from the smell of citrus, there are quite a few cleaning hacks that can be done with citrus as well. So it seems to fit. Citrus, a blog by Caliber Cleaning.
Now that I have introduced the blog name and reason behind it, I will take a minute to introduce myself. My name is Briana Short and I am the President of Caliber Cleaning, Inc. Caliber Cleaning is a Residential Cleaning Company I founded with my Mom, Giovanna Norde, in November 2006. Prior to starting our company, I cleaned for Family and Friends and even before that cleaning was a large part of my chore list growing up. Oddly enough cleaning is a chore that I didn’t despise. I have always been a bit of a “neat freak” so cleaning comes naturally, and I love the satisfaction of a clean space once the hard work is done.
I love that Caliber Cleaning gets to bring that feeling to our clients every day through our cleanings. I never get tired of hearing the feedback from our clients of how they feel when they return after a long day to a clean home. I look forward to sharing my piece of cleaning knowledge with you, the reader, in this journey. I am so glad you stopped by and I look forward to seeing you at the next post!
Cheers to a clean home!